Planning a Website
April 1, 2011, 2:23 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
  • Orgnization is important when creating a website.

Aesthetics: screen size

  • 800 x 600 pixel is often used when designing a website.

Image Formats: JPEGS and GIFS

  • JPEG files take longer time to load compared to GIF files.
  • However, GIF files have lower quality than JPEG files.


  • Most browsers are set to display texts in Times or Times New Roman.

Designing for Different Browers and Platsforms

  • The appearance of a web page differs due to user’s brower and computer. Therefore, it is better to check the website with different browsers or devices.

Interfaces and Navigation

  • Navigations, such as menu or links, help users access easily to wherever they want.