Brainstorming Web Design
March 29, 2011, 12:37 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I think working at home makes me less motivated compared to working at school. In school, I get motivated by  my friends, teachers, etc. Thus, I sometimes get. distracted by TV and music. With those distractions my quality of work gets affected. However, unlike working at school, working at home is less “anxious”. In other words, I am more relaxed working at home. Overall though, I prefer working at school because I can be more focused and get things done quickly with precision.


Redesigning Website
March 9, 2011, 3:47 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


Before Redesigned

1. How does the design reflect and support the purpose if the site?

Since this company, Gates N Fences, is a gate system company, I wanted to design a website that is simple and reflects gates. Therefore, I chose gray for the theme color and used different types of gray. Unlike the previous website, which consisted a lot of words, and menus, I used dropped down menus to make things easier to look at and simpler.

2. Which of the 4 alignments is most clearly evident? Explain their use.

 I think contrast is most clearly evident on my website. I used several different font sizes to create contrast between texts. For example, I used a bigger font size for the title compared to the other texts. Also, for company address I used the smallest.   

3. What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?

I learned that it takes time and effort to create a good website. Those good websites that I found, such as,, should have took a lot of time and effort to publish. Thus, I first thought that there is only one way to create a website, by using HTML codes. However, from this task, I uncovered that we can work on Photoshops to design a website.