Website Code Challenge
February 4, 2011, 3:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

It was pretty challenging creating a website by writing codes. This was my first time writing codes and it also was for my partner, Jennifer. Throughout the challenge we have encountered several problems. Especially the process of writing the correct code was difficult. Even though we had a source that would show us several codes, me and my partner had some problem using the code correctly. By using meaning, for example, having the right link or . Compared to the other HTML we have seen, obviously our coding was not that complex and our design of the website was bland and simple. Even though our coding was simple compared to the other websites, it was pretty complex and confuing for us.

My partner, Jennifer has done a great job finding pictures. Those pictures she found gave our website creativitity, design, and “life”. She also came up with some ideas about the website. Jennifer defined mistakes and parts that need improvements. I mainly wrote codes and looked up codes in Our roles were decided naturally. We just went with the flow.I think my hunch about my personal “problem solving” style is that I just want to get done with it. Including some quality work and usually I take command if my partner is not good at that kind of area of work. In this case, since Jennifer was not good at computer and techonology, I kind of played the role of leader. Our strengths might be creativity because Jennifer likes creativity and adds designs and pictures. Our drawbacks might be that we would sometimes wonder about not focusuing on our work.

Overall, it was great writing codes. I have always wondered about codes especially after watching “The Social Network”. I was amazed by the amount of codes that are needed to create a website. Even though we had some problems and difficulties I think Jennifer and I worked collarborately creating a good website.

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Great banner!

Comment by glenbaker

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